Exciting Projects
Loan Repayment Prediction
Skills: Python, Scikit-learn, EDA, LightGBM
A LightGBM Model to identify borrowers who are most likely to repay a loan,thus resulting in a profitable bank.Conversion Rate for a Shopping Website
Skills: Python, Scikit-learn,Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Ensemble Learning
Mined users data to understand factors that can help improve conversion rate and boost online sales.Explored Supervised Learning techniques to predict conversion rate of future audience.Item Clustering by User Purchase History
Skills: K-means Clustering, PCA, Silhouette Score
Unsupervised Learning technique to cluster items together that would replace old and manually created categories.Retrieval Chatbot
Skills: NLP, SVM, Multi Class LogisticRegression, Multinomial Naive Bayes, Cosine similarity
An FAQ Chatbot to help answer queries in real time using NLP. Devised supervised learning model to predict the category of the question asked and used similarity matrix to find a question closest to the one asked by the customer.
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